Gretchen Reese | Growth Marketing Manager

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Fleets are actively aiming to reduce costs. Ask any fleet manager today, and the odds are they’ll agree. This could be for a variety of reasons – external (like economic fluctuation) or internal (such as an interest to outsource or improve operations).

Fleet Electrification | Utilimarc Blog

As fleet managers determine which aspects of their fleet can be fully electrified, they’ll need to turn to infrastructure planning to ensure that they have the charging capabilities to serve their new electric assets.

For the electric pickup to be successful within the industry, OEMs will have to work hard to deliver a vehicle that meets real range needs, and fleet managers will need to change the culture of their organizations to accept this new technology.

“My VP would tell you that we have executed real change in the business that has a financial benefit to our rate-paying customers. While at the same time, making the fleet more productive.”

Utilimarc Fleet Analytics Announcement | Utilimarc Blog

Our customers demand the best. We consistently strive to make fleet management simple, clear and effective. We want every customer to derive the most valuable insights from every data point at their disposal.

How Universities Build and Maintain Their Fleets | Utilimarc Blog

Because of the tight budgets of most university fleets, proper management is essential. Using technology and a savvy fleet manager, today’s universities can deliver exceptional service to their students through proper utilization of their fleet vehicles.

Technology is changing the face of the modern fleet, and for fleet professionals who have complicated fleets to manage, that is good news. With these strategies, even the most complex fleet can run efficiently and effectively.

Utilimarc News Blog

Because of its massive importance, we’ve delved into a couple ways that leaders in the fleet industry can network to make themselves more effective and better connected.

Utilimarc News Blog

Municipal fleet managers face a difficult task of continuing to provide the high quality services to those who live in the community while maintaining a strict budget.

Vehicle Replacement Module 2.0 | Utilimarc Press Release

The VRM, originally released in 2012, has been helping fleet professionals determine their lowest vehicle lifecycle cost.