This is a decision that many (if not all) fleet managers have to face at some point. It may seem like a good option, given the low mileage, but holding on to a vehicle with low LTD miles may end up being more expensive than initially expected.

Electric vehicle implementation is a strategic move that could mean different things for each company. As we have seen, each fleet has very different plans and reasons for implementing EVs. Read on to learn more.

It’s easy to keep the truck idling, but should you? Utilimarc wondered if it was time for you to kill the engine to save some coin.

Surprisingly, we discovered that not only are alternative fuel vehicles not popular in fleets yet, the number of them have actually decreased by 11.4 percent since 2012.

The light duty service truck is a reliable workhorse for many fleets with its service body and GVWR less than 20,000. So, how productive do they remain and for how long?

When it came to straight wage, Utilimarc found quite a range of hourly utility technician wages — from less than $25/hour to greater than $52.50/hour.

With its fairly compact size, compartments and capabilities, it has made operating in the field extremely convenient and efficient. Utilimarc wondered if the truck is still performing strong, or if its prowess is starting to slow down.

Utilimarc wanted to find out if the aerial lift vehicle performance was constantly improving, holding still — or worse — falling flat.

Of the above data, Utilimarc was surprised to see that the percentage of 4×4 pickups keeps growing — possibly eventually leading to the demise of the 4×2.