First Analysis Reports Changes in Fleet Industry, Names Utilimarc as Leading Integrated Telematics Solution
August 26, 2015
A report from First Analysis Securities Corporation foresees the maturation of the high end North American fleet management solutions market, and positions Utilimarc among the leading telematics and fleet analytics providers. The report analyzed changes in upper level fleets in North America and studied the offerings of 10 private companies and seven public companies offering technology to meet that need, positioning Utilimarc among the leaders.
The report, entitled Looking at Fleet Management Solutions, move to 2.0, found two major changes in the fleet management industry. First, the report indicated a maturation of the high-end and enterprise fleet market, which includes those North American fleets operating 1,000 or more vehicles and small long-haul and heavy commercial fleets. With this maturation comes a greater churn in the industry, with some fleet management companies moving toward the small-to-medium business market creating higher competition. Consolidation among those telematics companies that remain in the high-end market is also expected.
Ultimately, First Analysis believes this maturation will cause a shift in the primary focus of telematics systems away from simple fleet management to include analytics. “We think the market will ultimately evolve to analytic-centric solutions, combining fleet management data with additional data sets to address a richer set of questions,” said the First Analysis report.
Analytics is not new to the fleet industry, but it is new to the telematics industry. The report said, “While companies have been analyzing non-telematics, but fleet-related, data sets for years, the intersection and integration of telematics is new.” This blending of analytics and data will provide invaluable tools to those using telematics systems. The report indicated it may also cause an increase in the number of partnerships between tech companies and telematics solution providers in the near future, as well as mergers between existing providers.
The report then named Utilimarc as one of the fleet management solutions that already offered this combination of analytics and fleet management, addressing the needs of the maturing market and the demands of this shifting focus. Because Utilimarc’s founders have a background in trucking, utilities and IT, the company created software from the outset that combined telematics with data analytics. The system combines company’s specific fleet usage data gathered through its telematics solutions with fuel card data and FMIS to allow companies to make informed operational and purchasing decisions. It also offers broad benchmarking data to help the client company make informed decisions about fleet operations. “In our view,” said First Analysis in regards to Utilimarc, “its ability to normalize and integrate data from three of the larger, more-prominent sets of data producers in the fleet space puts it in an intriguing position for future partnering and other developments.”
About First Analysis
First Analysis is a leading private growth equity investor with a strong research department that tracks trends and growth in a number of industries. The trend insights created through this research helps First Analysis investment clients make informed investment decisions. Learn more at www.firstanalysis.com.
About Utilimarc
Utilimarc is a Minneapolis-based fleet management software company offering a subscription-based service that integrates data analysis with telematics to help companies make informed purchasing and operation decisions. With around 400,000 vehicles using Utilimarc and 14 years of experience, the company is positioned to meet the growing need for analytics-driven telematics in the future. Learn more at www.utilimarc.com.

Mike Nowak
Mike Nowak is the CIO of Utilimarc. He is a life-long learner and is motivated by the fact that analytics, technology and software can help improve our world and have the ability to create less waste for the environment. See more from Mike