Tag: Cost Management

On October 11, Utilimarc released the results of their most recent survey covering 2022 Fleet Inflation rates. The survey was run in partnership with Xcel Energy, a utilities company based in Minnesota, and studied how recent inflation has affected the ways in which fleets operate and manage rising costs.

In order to know where fleet costs can be cut, it is essential to fully understand each vehicles’ total cost of ownership (TCO). This number is sum of all costs associated with acquiring a vehicle and keeping it operating throughout its lifecycle.

Take-home policies are a common consideration for fleet mangers of police departments, emergency services and taxi companies. There can be many benefits to keeping vehicles out on the road instead of parked in a company garage overnight, and can help employees save on both costs and time.

A fleet manager is responsible for many things, as I’m sure you already know. From replacement cycles to annual budget preparation, policy implementation to vehicle usage management and maintenance. The needs and objectives of multiple departments depend on the fleet manager executing their responsibilities well and keeping the fleet running smoothly.

It’s easy to keep the truck idling, but should you? Utilimarc wondered if it was time for you to kill the engine to save some coin.