Tag: Fleet Strategy

When it comes to fleet management, the E in ESG can carry a bit more weight. With transportation being one of the greatest contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions, environmental preservation is becoming increasingly important across the industry. The practice of ESG at a higher level helps fleets to stay accountable for their negative and positive impacts.

Creating a charging strategy is an essential step of electrification that many do not realize should be done well in advance of receiving new EVs. Fleets looking to build an entire charging station with several ports for fleets can be looking at months of installation time.

There is more internal and external pressure than ever before for organizations to make their practices sustainable and to find different ways of doing so. This can mean something different for each distinct organization, especially when it comes to how they approach it.

Business intelligence seems to be one of those buzzwords that companies throw around when talking strategy and futureproofing solutions, but many find it hard to actually define. Is it a system? A service? A strategic approach? In some ways, it is all of the above.